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This is a place learn about and share your experiences with the Amazon Kindle, it's accessories, the eBooks and other downloads available.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The 3rd Generation Kindle

I received a Kindle for Christmas. Now I don't normally blog about my Christmas presents, and I especially don't set up a whole website about one, but this gift is different. It has transformed the way I read, and greatly increased the number of books I read weekly.


The particular Kindle I received is a K3 (third generation), with built in WiFi and 3G connectivity. This means I don't have to be at home to order new books or browse the Internet, just within range of a cell tower, or any Wifi hotspot. The cool thing is there's no charge for this connectivity, it's included free in the price of the Kindle ($189 for my model). Downloading new material is a one button click, and the new materiel shows up in seconds.

Ease of Reading:

Because there is no backlighting, I don't get headaches or eyestrain when reading for long periods. Because it's light weight, I can hold it in one hand and still easily navigate pages(forward and reverse) with my thumb. The lack of backlight also enables a long battery life of several days or more depending on reading time. It does mean you will have to have a light to read at night, and I'll discuss my protective case with integrated reading light in another post. The screen has high contrast, and text size is easily adjusted, so even old tired eyes like mine have an easy time of it.

Much has been written about the Kindle (and it's competitors), and I'll post links to several sources, but my experience has been 100% positive, and the only issue I have is getting it back from my wife. Guess who needs her own Kindle ....

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